Friday, April 15, 2011

2nd Full Day At Consignment Expo!!!

I have to say today was an even bigger disaster than yesterday was.  I think I literally made $2.00 an hour today.  My saving grace is that I got several custom orders from folks today and I made several good contacts.  But actual cash in my hand is pitiful.  I am still trying to decide if this was worth it or not.  I will make that decision tomorrow the last day of the expo and the big 50% off day.

Alot of people will show up tomorrow because most clothing and toys will be marked down 50% off.  My stuff will not be 50% off.  So, the question to be answered is Are the people coming tomorrow just looking for the bargain of the day???  Will they even want to pay for a hair bow???  Or are they just coming to find a shirt for $1.00???  I am hoping they will save so much on the clothing and toys that they will have extra to spend on the hair bows, hats, and headbands.  I even made up a pair of baby ribbon flip flops.  They are so stinkin cute it is not even funny!!!

One vendor was so mad today she just left.  She said it wasn't worth her time and I was like Byeeee!!!!  I was happy because that was one less person for me.  I am normally not that catty.  A little competition I think is healthy for business I think.  But this was too much.  I talked with the other 2 remaining vendors today and neither was happy about the situation we were placed in.  One was told she would be the only hair accessory person.  I was under the assumption I would be the only hair accessory girl.  It was just plain obvious this was badly organized and no people did not communicate properly to each other.  I do know that for future shows that I do I am going to check ahead of time that I will be the only one carrying my product and if they decide to let other people carry my product, then I have the option of pulling out and getting my money back.  I will be putting this note in all of my applications that I do for craft shows this year and I will be sending detailed pics of my product.

I hope this info is helpful to anyone thinking of doing a craft show in the future.

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