Friday, April 29, 2011

Funny Friday!!!!

I have to say today I got a good laugh at myself.  I am doing my second craft show of the year.  And yes, I asked the appropriate questions this time!!!!  LOL  It's in Pendleton, IN and is down by Falls Creek.  My business associate and I got a great spot.  Right along the falls.  It's a beautiful view.

Here's the funny part.  Usually when I do a show I pay the extra $10 to be under the main tent so I don't have to go through the whole process of buying and putting up a tent.  Well, this show has no main tent so we have to bring our own tents.  Fortunately, Susan has one.  I was not investing $150 in a dining canopy for one show.  So we load everything up this morning and go down to Pendleton to set up.  Like I said we got a beautiful spot.  Very happy with it.  But the actual assembling of the tent was another story.  Susan has a gallstone and is getting her gallbladder out next week and is in alot of pain so I don't like her to do too much right now.  But I am very short and putting this thing together was a riot.  We had poles backwards and upside down and then got the thing upright and couldn't figure out how to put the tent part together.  We finally got it done after alot of sweat and laughing and admired our work.  Then we had it facing the wrong way so we had to take the stakes out and turn it.  Let's just hope it doesn't blow over or something tonight.  LOL  It's supposed to be beautiful this weekend so let's hope for alot of sales!!!!!

The other day I joined a site called  It is a site for businesses and bloggers to get together and help each others businesses.  I have already had 4 bloggers contact me to be featured in their blogs!!!  I am very excited about it.  This is what I am talking about guys.  Things like this can only help us get our names out there and hopefully bring traffic to our shops.  I have been spending hours a day figuring out ways to get my name out there over the net.  I am hoping this is going to work.  I will keep ya all updated on how well it's going.

Read this weekend to hear how the show in Pendleton went.



  1. Heather, wow you've been a busy beaver...I saw your ad on Craftopolis...congrats. Hope it brings you lots of sales. I plan to buy one of your new headbands soon :)


  2. you should have called me girl, I would have liked having a laugh....

    No I would have helped, and laughed too...
