Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday!!!!

Well guys I don't know about you but on Etsy lately things have been completely dead for me and I don't know why!!!  I have been renewing, listing. taking pics, doing everything the same, and things have been so dead for me.  Thank goodness that I have had my custom orders from the show and I have picked up a few more or I would be totally dead.  I have had my usual couple of orders here and there from bnrs but I don't really count those.  Is everyone else dead right now??  Even my consignment shops are dead.

I have also been Facebooking, tweeting, kaboodling, everything I can think of.  What am I doing wrong???  I have joined additional teams on Etsy.  I really don't know.  Someone told me that people might not want to spend extra money on hair bows right now with gas prices right now.  I don't know.

Here is a thought provoking question that I want a honest answer to because I live in somewhat of a bubble I think.  Does say an extra $20 a week in gas (that is what it is costing me and I have a gas guzzler so this is a high end estimate) really affect budgets that much, or is it the number that everyone sees at the gas pump that is scaring them right now???  Is everyone just saying OMG it's $4.00 a gallon we had better cut back or does that number really affect you???

I ask this because I remember when gas was under a dollar a gallon and it went up to $1.01 a gallon and some guy went ballistic on some poor cashier in a gas station and I was mentally calculating how much 5 cents a gallon was to a fifteen gallon tank at the time.  My tank was only 10 at the time but this guy put 15 in his truck so it cost him 75 cents and he wanted to rip this poor girl's head off!!!  Now here we are 15 years later(wow it was only 15 years ago that gas was under a $1 a gallon.  my how times have changed!!!) and we are talking about a increase of $20 a week.  Most people haven't gone up that much but I have so I am using myself as an example here. 

So where is the first place that you think people cut back???  You know when gas prices went up a few years ago, I said the only reason they went up so high was so when they went back down $2.00 we would think that was a good price.  I said we would never see $1.50 a gallon for gas again and we never did.  This is just to prepare us to never see $2.50 a gallon again.  It will be in the $3 range on up and that is something we will have to live with.

So with that being said will people continue to live without the extras due to gas prices???  Will our small businesses survive this???  I say yes.  It's a little bit of sticker shock to people right now as it was a few years ago when gas went above $2 for the first time, then $3 for the first time.  That was not that long ago.  Within the last 5 years or so.  We all need to hang in there and ride out the storm and hope for the best.  Some businesses will make it, and some will not.  Those who can see the light at the end of the tunnel and can remain optimistic, will make it.

I also want to say that I am fortunate here.  I do not rely on this business for my source of income like I know many people do.  I would though to like to be able to say I contribute to the family a little bit with this business.  Ah, but that is a topic for another day.  Today's topic is said and done.

Goodnight All!!!!

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