Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday The 13th....SPOOKY!!!!

Ah, Friday the 13th!!!  Supposed to be a day of bad luck!!!!  I can say my appendix ruptured on a Friday the 13th.  I've wrecked my car on a Friday the 13th.  But one of my favorite movies growing up was a movie called Saturday the 14th.  According to this movie, Sat the 14th is worse than Friday the 13th.

Today, I had a fairly good day!!!  Only bad luck was my email screwed up when I was supposed to be sending reminders for the Judo team for tomorrow's big tournament.  I am secretary of the club and that makes me email girl.  I really don't mind it at all.  I already send out big emails for the team every week so I am becoming email savy!!!  LOL

Speaking of tomorrow, my son Sam will be competing in his first Judo Tournament in Portland, IN.  I have a total mix of emotions.  I am very excited for him and happy and nervous and scared all at the same time.  He has been in Judo since last August when he was 4.  I decided to wait until he was 5 to let him fight.  He has matured alot in the short time.  I am afraid he will be terribly disappointed if he doesn't win a medal tomorrow so I hope he does.  I am keeping my fingers crossed. 

In preparation of this tournament I got me a new camcorder.  The Sony Handycam.  I had a Samsung that broke down and Samsung wanted $300 to repair it!!!!  That's how much I paid for it!!!  Give me a break.  I will never own a Samsung product again.  I did buy the 2 year service plan in case this one breaks and I need it fixed.  Worth the $20 I think.

I know this post has very little to do with business but all I can think about is the tournament tomorrow and I am not really concentrating on etsy right at this moment although I did list a few new items!!!  Check these out.  Loving the mushrooms right now!!!  I think you will too.

1 comment:

  1. yay~ these are kawaii clips! i love the print and the design <3

    Delicately Fierce sent me =)
